You Can Be Born With Dual Citizenship on This Remote Maine IslandYou Can Be Born With Dual Citizenship on This Remote Maine IslandBecause it's disputed territory between countries, the remote Machias Seal Island is the only place in Maine you can be born with dual citizenship.JoeyJoey
Sanford Leads Maine in Ghost Sightings Over the Last 17 YearsSanford Leads Maine in Ghost Sightings Over the Last 17 YearsMaine leads the nation in ghost sightings per capita, with Sanford being the hotspot for supernatural behavior.JoeyJoey
Is There Really A Shortage Of Coins Across Maine?Is There Really A Shortage Of Coins Across Maine?Signs like this have been popping up across Maine leading people to ask, "is there really a shortage of coins right now?"JoeyJoey
Rare Black Chipmunk Spotted In Sebago Area Of MaineRare Black Chipmunk Spotted In Sebago Area Of MaineChipmunks aren't a rare sight in Maine, but a black chipmunk is. Someone spotted one in the Sebago area over the weekendJoeyJoey