Teenager Saves Life After Boston Celtics Game, Then Takes the SAT 12 Hours Later
The Boston Celtics game on Friday, November 4, was super eventful; however, it is not the two-score game differential that is newsworthy. Instead, it is the heroic act of a teenage boy attending the game, who saved a downing and bleeding Bostonian's life.
Finn Connor and his dad Ryan went to the Celtics game with high hopes of a memorable night. That is exactly what they got. But it was after the game when the excitement started.
As the two left TD Garden, 18-year-old Finn heard someone yell out for help.
"I didn't hear the call out," Ryan Conner shared in an NBC article. "Finn just sort of looked at me funny and then ran."
Finn was running for good reason. In a nearby body of water, someone was drowning and needed help.
Fortunately, someone was already on the scene and helping; however, they were in need of a second set of hands. It was certainly an emergency.
“He (the first member on scene) was in the water trying to support him because he was unconscious," according to Finn Connor and NBC. "I see both of them and then I run down the bank, get in the water, and try to get out to them... I grab his arm and I'm trying to support him on his back and I sort of carry and pick him up to shore as best as I can.”
The scene was messy.
“The guy had one ear that looked partially ripped off," said Ryan Connor to NBC. "He was bleeding from the other ear and he had a softball-sized welt starting to develop on his forehead."
Finn was leaving a Celtics game to go get a good night's sleep. According to his mother and NBC, he had to be up a few hours later for his SAT's.
That did not stop Finn, though. It did not even slow him down.
"I’m quite proud of him," Ryan Connor said to NBC. "His instincts took over and he ran to help, which is a great sign, and we’re super proud of him.”
Finn's father should be proud, because he's right. It was all instinctual. "It was just sort of like an instinct," said Finn, to NBC. "It feels good to help people like that, you know?"
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