Things I’d Like to Find at the World’s Largest Yard Sale
Tomorrow beginning at 8 am, we'll be looking to meet you at The World's Largest Yard Sale at the Rochester Fairgrounds. It got me thinking about things I'd love to come across there.
1. A Classic Car
Who wouldn't want to find a great deal on some killer wheels?
2. An original iPod
This is the one iPod that I never had and now that they don't make them anymore I really want one.
3. A cool guitar played by someone famous
Something Johnny Cash played, or John Lennon, would be a very cool find indeed.
4. Stock certificates from some wildly success company.
I'd take a few shares of Google or Apple please?
5. Antique boat stuff
I love boats and the water, so I'm always looking for stuff like this to decorate my house with.