To the Groomers at WoofMeow in Derry, NH – Thank You for Understanding
Let me start this off right away with saying this is NOT an advertisement -- it just so happened that this business was on the receiving end of a massive brainfart I had over the weekend. This is honestly the first time I've ever made this mistake, and the amount of guilt I felt when I realized what I did was insane.
On Saturday, I booked a next-day appointment for my boy Remy for a little grooming session at WoofMeow in Derry, New Hampshire -- a "buff and puff" as my Mom likes to call it when she's talking to him about fun adventures he has coming up. It was pretty simple -- the usual bath, nail clip and toothbrushing. Of course, I completely mind-blanked on the fact it was supposed to snow the next day.
Anyway, Sunday comes and it's time to bring Remy to his appointment -- and this is during the HEART of the snow. Again, because I'm me, I tossed on some old sneakers that I usually wear if I'm bringing Remy out for a walk or to the dog park -- ya know, instead of boots like every other normal New England human would wear. (Clearly, I was really killing it with life decisions this past weekend.)
We get to WoofMeow with no issues since it's not that far away. And this is where the trouble begins, because in backing into the space, I almost slid up onto the curb and into some bushes. (Now, I baby the HECK out of my truck, so you can imagine how that would've gone if it happened. Again, absolutely thrived this weekend, clearly.)
We park without any destruction, and I snag Remy from the backseat where he's seat-belted in (he tends to climb everywhere, which was a real fun way to drive back home from Tulsa while he was trying to lunge onto my lap going 80mph on the highway -- the speed limit in middle America is 75, before you try and bust me) and hook him up to his leash.
We start heading for the entrance to WoofMeow, but because I'm in sneakers and not boots, in packed down snow in a parking lot with a ton more powder falling from the sky, I'm almost doing a mix between an elderly person careful walk, and a person trying to hold their bathroom faculties inside because it's a close call. But we both made it successfully inside without wiping out, so I started my sashay to the grooming section in the back.
I even walked by one of the workers on the floor and said hello, because, ya know, politeness. I should've known something was up when she gave me a puzzled side-eye while saying hello back. But I thought nothing of it, because she was re-stocking a shelf with toys and had her back to me, plus, why would I need to worry about anything? Like I've mentioned a few times already -- I was CRUSHING this weekend with life decisions.
I open the door to the grooming section and let Remy in, because chivalry isn't dead, look up at the two groomers inside who are giving me the same puzzled look that the girl on the floor just had, and hear the door shut behind me. And that's when it hit me and I realized why everyone was looking at me like I had 87 heads, none of which contained a brain.
And then I just stood there, seemingly forgetting how to human, with my jaw on the floor right next to where Remy was sitting like a good boy. Honestly, I was so clueless how to operate through life right then that I was surprised I even still held onto the leash. Like when I tell you I was frozen in place with ZERO clue what to do next.
It's not even that I thought I was "going to get in trouble" -- I just felt terrible. And felt like an absolute scumbag idiot for accidentally putting these girls at risk because here I was, all naked-faced, in a closed in area with them. The only thing I could do other than stand there frozen in place like I had just seen Medusa and turned to stone was apologize profusely. I was about to ask if they wanted me to leave Remy inside or bring him back with me to get my mask, when...
"Hey, relax, it's okay. We have extras right here -- it's all okay."
It honestly reminded me of anytime I've been in a grocery store walking down an aisle, and someone starts passing me because they're going down the wrong way. I'll look at them, not to toss a dirty look (or dirty eyes, I suppose, since everything else is covered?), but to try and give them a greeting. Because we're still humans, no matter the pandemic. And we're still humans, regardless of whether or not we walk down the aisle the right way or not. They'll apologize quickly and I'll almost try and be quicker to calm them down and tell them it's all good and it happens.
We're all always seemingly so quick to jump on someone for being human and making a mistake that we forget the fact that not everyone is out to cause havoc or destruction. Sometimes, we just completely forget where we are in the store, and go down the wrong aisle. IT HAPPENS.
So, thank you, WoofMeow Grooming Girls (Danielle and Hannah, maybe?), for realizing that I wasn't trying to be a rebel, but that sometimes mistakes happen, and when you're focused on trying to make sure your dog doesn't take off in a parking lot near a busy road or trying to make sure you don't slip in a parking lot and eat it, which leads to your dog taking off in a parking lot near a busy road, that sometimes you may be human and forget your mask.
If the world acted a little more like you two, maybe we'd all be able to breathe deeper and sleep easier at night, instead of always feeling like we need to live life on the defensive or feel the need to attack others to make a point at their "carelessness."