Yesterday I heard a thud on my big picture window in my dining room.  30 minutes later, I heard another thud, then a short time after, another hard hit on my window.  I was shocked to figure out what was making the noise.  It was birds hitting my new picture window.

Birds flying into windows is apparently a common thing, but it hadn't happened to me before I installed new windows without the grids.

Brajendra Singh via
Brajendra Singh via

According to, birds fly into windows for a couple of reasons.  If they see vegetation through the window, they go to the greenery, not realizing there's a barrier between them and the plant.  That's one of my problems.  I have a huge elephant ear plant in front of my window.

Ginny Rogers
Ginny Rogers

The second issue is that male birds in the spring are territorial and aggressive.  When they see another bird in their territory, they go after it, not realizing it's actually their reflection in the window.  This is especially true for robins and red birds. also says about one billion birds die each year from window strikes (most strikes result in death or traumatic injuries which they succumb to later). That's a staggering number.  So, how can we prevent so many birds from dying?

Window grids help break up the reflection.  If you don't have grids, try putting lines on the outside of your windows with a bar of soap.  You can easily clean it off later.

Vertical blinds will help, too, if they're kept half-closed.  Another option is to move any indoor plants from the windows.  Wind chimes and water fountains can be a distraction outside for the birds.

You can also use window stickers to break up the reflection, but you need more than a few.  You need to cover quite a bit of the window.

The next time you hear a smack against your window, check to see if there's an injured bird outside, and check on the inside of your shiny window to see if you have any of the option mentioned as solutions.

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