Yes, It’s Legal To Own A Kangaroo In Maine But You’ll Need A Permit
Some strange stories have been popping up in Maine recently, including this latest one from Skowhegan where a drug bust led police to the discovery of a live alligator. So that got us thinking, what exotic animal could you actually own here in Maine legally? As it turns out, there are quite a few of them. But the most eye-popping and head-shaking may be the kangaroo.
Yes, that's correct, according to Maine law, a person can possess a kangaroo as long as they've got an approved permit from the state first. If you think that's completely ridiculous, there's actually a handful of states across the U.S. that allow people to own kangaroos WITHOUT permits.
And possessing an exotic animal from Australia is not unheard of here in Maine. Detailed by the Bangor Daily News, a couple from Aroostook County had some serious obstacles to climb when they brought a wallaby into Maine nearly a decade ago. Those obstacles included getting the wallaby vaccinated (a vaccine didn't exist in Maine at the time), creating a large, fenced-in outdoor space for the wallaby as well as ensuring the wallaby doesn't leave the premises (as in, going for a ride in the car). The couple agreed to the terms and were allowed to keep their wallaby in Maine.
For the record, a kangaroo could survive the Maine climate, but likely only with help from humans. They're preferential climate would be warm, dry summers and mild winters with minimal (if any) wintry precipitation. That doesn't sound anything like we have in the Pine Tree State, so if you're itching to be in the company of a roo, best to start planning that trip to Australia right now.
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