I have this working theory that most everyone who becomes famous visits Studio Big at one time or another. From politicians to singers, some big names have passed through here. That includes Emily West of America's Got Talent.Last night I was grabbing a snack and a beverage in Dover and the TV was tuned to the show. I did a double take when the she came on and sang "Nights In White Satin". Emily was pretty stunning to watch.

Some years ago, maybe five or six, Emily was on the roster of Capitol Records Nashville. She came by WOKQ on her tour of radio stations in the northeast, full of energy and a tremendous singing voice.

Emily was kind of starry eyed about the whole process, excited and eager to promote her music to us. One great thing about country music is that everyone is always very friendly, so everyone here got a hug on the way out. She was a genuinely warm person.

Unfortunately, she didn't have much success as a country singer and was dropped from the label, which was a difficult setback for her. I'm rooting for Emily tonight! After seeing some videos of her on YouTube, her road back to singing has been an inspiring one, and damn, can the woman sing!



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