5 Ways to Prep for New England Winters Now So You’re Not Stuck Later
I have a problem. Every year it's the same. Every year I ignore my own advice. I just don't learn my lesson. Maybe you can. I put off putting on my snow tires by far too long. I tend not to think about it and then the first storm is in the forecast.
"Well, the tire shop will surely be booked. I'll wait until the first wave dies down," I say to myself. Then another storm comes, and Christmas.
Then it's after the new year and I get 3 solid months of tire use after struggling for the previous 3 months trying to get out of my driveway.
So yes, it's only the fall. But if you're ready now you won't be fighting with every other Mainer or Granite Stater preparing for snow. Here are 5 ways to get ready now so you'll have less to worry about later.
5 Ways to Prep for New England Winters Now So You’re Not Stuck Later
We've all got enough to worry about for 2020. Let's take the winter and show it who's boss!