Also, it's NOT a Hoverboard. It doesn't hover. 

CPS Confirms Hoverboards Are Illegal To Ride On The Pavement And The Road
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Homeowners in Boston learned a tough lesson on why they should not have purchased a hoverboard (A.K.A. the most misleading product name on the toy market.)

CBS Boston reports that a Boston North End apartment building was heavily damaged on Sunday after a Hoverboard erupted in flames.

Boston Fire Department Spokeman Steve MacDonald was quoted as saying......

Witnesses in the apartment told the investigators that they head a pop and then when they came into the room, the hoverboard was on fire and it extended to the walls....

The fire is just one more reason (this time hitting close to home) that these hoverboards are dangerous.

Multiple reports of fires forced Amazon to remove a majority of it's hoverboard products just before the Holidays.

In this case, the fire has residents of three apartments to find temporary homes while damages (which could exceed $100,000) are repaired.

What a stupid product.  And in case you're, they still don't hover.

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