A Simple Way to Help Those Less Fortunate While You’re Out Holiday Shopping
You know it's the holiday season when you walk in and out of area stores and you hear the familiar ringing of the Salvation Army bells.
Many volunteers throughout New Hampshire and all over New England give their time in the hopes that you will drop some spare change into the iconic red kettles that can be found at stores, malls and other locations through Christmas Eve, December 24th.
Did you know that just 60 minutes of bell ringing generally brings in enough donations to feed over a dozen people?
This year's annual Christmas Kettle effort kicked off on Friday, November 30th at the State House with Governor Chris Sununu. 'The holiday season is a time for all Granite Staters to come together and show that a deep sense of caring and a spirit of giving is deeply embedded in every one of us.' said Governor Chris Sununu.
Last year, funds donated at the kettles enabled The Salvation Army to help nearly 46,000 individuals statewide with programs, homeless shelters, general and holiday assistance. The Salvation Army provided food, clothing, utilities and emergency disaster aid.
There are nine Salvation Army Corps (facilities) in New Hampshire that offer services and programs for children, adults and seniors.
- Berlin
- Concord
- Derry
- Greater Seacoast
- Keene
- Laconia
- Manchester
- Nashua
- Rochester