Are People Really Affected by the Full Moon? [WATCH]
If there was ever a day when people might act a little more erratic at work, today might be it. According to we experienced a lunar eclipse early this morning, and that of a "Blood Moon", which seems very fitting for this time of year. I've known people who work in hospital emergency rooms who swear that business picks up during full moons.
Here at WOKQ, one of my old bosses used to rationalize the strange doings that happened as a result of the phases of the moon, biorhythms and whatever else was to blame. Personally I think that full moons really do affect people's behavior, and it only makes life more interesting. For the entertainment value alone I'm willing to consider any theory on this stuff.
Give me your thoughts on this. I'll put it up on our Facebook page later today and we'll see how many WOKQ listeners feel it affects them.