Attention Patriots Fans: Know Gillette Stadium’s Security Rules Before You Go
Visitors should know about the tough security policies before seeing the New England Patriots play on their home turf.
It is the season opener tonight with Tom Brady and The New England Patriots against the Pittsburgh Steelers at Gillette Stadium.
Hardcore Patriots fans are likely pumped to see their star quarterback play, but we want to make sure you don't get kicked out or have to run back to your car to drop off a prohibited item.
Here is what you need to know if you are one of the lucky fans going to see the Patriots play:
All guests, unless otherwise noted by a specific event, require a ticket to gain entry to the stadium.
All guests, including children, must consent to a search of their person and anything they are carrying.
Failure to consent to such search will result in denial of entry into the stadium.
Metal detectors will be located at all stadium gates. Please be prepared to remove the following from your pockets: phones and cameras, unlike procedures you may be familiar with at the airport, we are not asking you to remove your keys, shoes, belt, change, etc.
Any item deemed inappropriate by stadium management will not be allowed into the stadium, including but not limited to:
- NEW: Bags of any kind except gallon sized clear freezer bags or NFL authorized clear bags measuring 12" x 12" x 6" and women's clutches not to exceed 7" x 4" x 2" (approximately the size of a hand). For more information on the newly implemented NFL Bag Policy and FAQ, please visit www.nfl.com/allclear
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Remotely Controlled Model Aircraft
- GoPro Cameras
- Battery Operated Heated Jackets
- Any type of portable chair or seat, other than those approved for persons with accessibility issues
- Camera cases, binocular cases, laptop bags, backpacks, duffel bags, purses, and any other type of carry item.
- Any alcoholic beverages
- Weapons of any kind [including knives]
- Food or beverages [unless the individual is in possession of a letter signed by Kelly Way, Director of Operations, TeamOps LLC]
- Illegal drugs or substances
- Coolers or containers, including cans and bottles
- Umbrellas
- Fireworks or pyrotechnics
- Animals, except service animals assisting those with disabilities
- Strollers or baby seats
- Folding and/or stand alone chairs
- Noisemakers, bullhorns or air horns
- Balloons or beach balls
- Seat Cushions
- Any other item deemed inappropriate by stadium management
No prohibited items will be accepted at the stadium gates for safekeeping. Please leave all prohibited items secured in your vehicle.
The following items may be allowed into the stadium subject to inspection:
- NEW: Bags: Only gallon sized clear freezer bags, NFL authorized clear bags measuring 12" x 12" x 6", women's clutches not to exceed 7" x 4" x 2" (approximately the size of a hand), and clear plastic bags carrying only purchases made at the stadium ProShop. For more information on the newly implemented NFL Bag Policy and FAQ, please visit www.nfl.com/allclear
- Cameras: Still cameras are allowed. All video cameras are prohibited. Detachable lenses on still cameras may be detached during inspection.
- Small electronics: Items such as cell phones, personal digital assistants, small transistor radios, small TV monitors, audio recording equipment, etc. will be allowed into the stadium but may have to be turned on during inspection.
- Binoculars
- Small flags: Flags with poles less than two feet in length may be allowed into the stadium after inspection.
- Banners: Banners may be prohibited due to size or message content
*All acceptable items will be checked by security to ensure they are what they appear to be.
Stadium management reserves the right to approve all banners.
Banners and flags may be prohibited due to space availability, banner or flag size, interference with other fans or message content.
Smoking is prohibited in Gillette Stadium. For Tufts Health Plan’s Ten Steps to Stop Smoking, click here. To learn about the health benefits of quitting smoking, click here.
Please submit an email at least 48 hours before an event requesting permission to bring in medical supplies or for special dietary needs to Kelly Way at kellyw@teamops.com.
You will hear back within 48 hours of sending your email.
Patriots Fan Code of Conduct
Welcome to Gillette Stadium. We are committed to creating a safe, comfortable and enjoyable experience for patrons of all ages. We are proud to present a Code of Conduct designed to enhance the experience of all our guests.
Patrons are responsible for their conduct and for the conduct of their guests. In particular, patrons and their guests are prohibited from the following:p>
- Exhibiting behavior that is unruly, disruptive, irresponsible or illegal in nature.
- Using foul or abusive language or making obscene gestures.
- Interfering with the enjoyment of others, any ongoing event or business activity.
- Engaging in public drunkenness.
- Verbally or physically harassing any of our guests, other patrons or staff.
- Engaging in any solicitation.
- Smoking in areas other than those designated as “smoking areas.”
- Violating the terms of any applicable admission ticket policy, license or related laws.
- Failing to follow instructions of security personnel or law enforcement.
Patrons and their guests who violate these provisions will be ejected without refund and also may lose ticket privileges for future events. We thank you for adhering to our Code of Conduct.
Text 78247 to report all incidents anonymously
While at Gillette Stadium on an event day, you may anonymously notify us of breaches of the Code of Conduct by sending a text message to 78247. For conduct and behavioral related matters, please type the word “Conduct” first followed by all relevant details. All text messages to this service are recorded and audited.
Any misuse of this service will result in the sender’s number being blocked from future use. Further, we will work with the service provider to follow-up on such misuse.
If you require assistance during an event please send security operations an anonymous text at (508)928-3838 or text the word CONDUCT to 78247.
Stadium security believes all patrons should have a fun and safe visit to Gillette Stadium. Please make security aware of any and all issues so they can be solved in a timely and professional manner.
Any lost items that were turned in during an event may be found at the Guest Service booths located on the 100- and 300-level concourses midfield/ 50-yard line.
Items not claimed during or immediately following an event are brought to Security Command (508)384-9205.
Guests who abuse stadium policies may be subject to a letter of disinvite. For questions related to issued letters please contact Kelly Way at kellyw@teamops.com.
Please click here for information regarding the Fan Conduct Class.
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