Beer Tents Are a No Go This Year for Bike Week in Laconia, NH
According to WMUR, on Monday is was decided by Laconia city councilors gave approval to make the 97th year of Motorcycle Week happen the last week in August. Typically thousands of people visit the Lakes Region each year to attend motorcycle week festivities. The site states it is unclear how many will attend amid the pandemic.
It is important that the Laconia City council and the Motorcycle Week association do what they can to ensure all of the attendees are as safe as possible. As one could predict, the event comes with restrictions this year. Vendors will not be prohibited permits so beer tents on Weirs beach will not be a thing. Before reaching this decision the council heard from the public, including workers from local taverns and bars.
However, there is one exception! Nonprofit organizations will still be able to get vendor permits. Nonprofits would really feel the backlash if they missed this massive fundraising opportunity.
WMUR shared the news on the Facebook page and (hopefully, you are sitting down for this news) people are not happy about it. Some people think they should cancel the event all together. Some people think the event should be held with absolutely no restrictions.
Will you still go to bike week if there are no vendor tents?
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