Stephen King has popped up a few times in various small roles, and you may have never realized it was him at all. But he also appeared on a show not connected to his works.
Not just in Massachusetts, but worldwide, it's never been inexpensive to attend the hallowed halls of academia but nowadays it seems more expensive than ever.
While Portland, Maine, has a stand-out restaurant scene, some beloved establishments have had to close their doors in 2024 leaving behind fond memories and delicious meals. Let's take a look.
Did you know when automakers first introduced radios in early automobiles, many didn't embrace this new way of listening to your local radio station on the go? Many lawmakers and even concerned citizens opted to ban car radios for being too noisy and distracting for drivers. Distracted driving, sounds familiar right?
The New Hampshire law will "permit any employee working for a company that receives any state or federal money to store their loaded gun in a locked car."
Are there any kids who don't love theme parks? I'm sure there are. I DO happen to know a lot of adults who also love theme parks just as much as some kids.
Leah James Lombardi, weighing in at 8 pounds, 7 ounces, was the first baby born in Boston at Massachusetts General Hospital. She and her family may receive a lot of prizes.
According to the Maine Department of Transportation, since 2004 there have been an average of about 32,000 crashes each year. The data reveals which months and days each year have had the most crashes, and the answers seem to be pretty consistent.