While the internet has introduced a lot of wonderful conveniences into our lives over the last couple decades, it's also amplified a few other messages. Mainly, conspiracy theories. From unexplained events to reported UFO encounters.

Some of those conspiracy theories have actual physical locations attached to them. With that in mind, lovers of the unexplained and curious have created a road trip of sorts out of places shrouded in darkness and mystery. And one of those places with plenty of intrigue around it is only three hours from Maine.

Vermont's Mythical Springs

It's called Brunswick Springs in Vermont, a neighborhood that has seen its fair share of peculiar activity over the last century. According to Cheapism, it's one of the most visited destinations in the entire country for those that fervently believe in conspiracy theories.

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Before getting into the stories behind Brunswick Springs, the geological nature of the springs is a true marvel. Their are six different springs right next to one another, each believed to be filled with different mineral content.

Popularity of the Springs Grows

According to Obscure Vermont, the Abenaki believe the six springs are hold magical healing powers. For generations, the Abenaki used the springs as a counterbalance to evil spirits. Eventually, settlers moved into the area and that is when things around the springs got awfully murky.

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Word of the healing powers of Brunswick Springs got out and eventually people throughout New England wanted to visit the springs in hopes it could cure them of everything from migraines to broken bones. Tourism to the springs was in such demand, a railroad and station was built to accommodate the demand.

A Curse is Born

By the mid-1800's, enough visitors were making their way to the springs that a hotel was erected called the Brunswick Springs Hotel. Perhaps the spiritual nature of the springs were angered by the monetization efforts because before long, the Brunswick Springs Hotel mysteriously burned down.

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The hotel was rebuilt and renamed but didn't last. The nearby river swallowed the new lodge and the idea of lodging near the springs was abandoned. That is, until another hopeful entrepreneur came along.

More Hotels and More Fires

In 1929, the new hotel resort was constructed near the springs. It ended up burning down before it managed to celebrate its grand opening. Just like decades before, the hotel resort was rebuilt, expected to be bigger and better.

One month before its second grand opening, the hotel resort burned down again. As the saying goes, 'third time is a charm'. The hotel resort was constructed for a third time and if you've been following along, you know how this goes. It never opened and it burned to the ground.

Is it Truly Cursed?

The springs are located in Brunswick, Vermont in a village that is essentially abandoned. The hotels burning down plus a series of strange deaths in the area have led to urban legends that the land is cursed.

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Google Maps

Obscure Vermont shows you the exact way to venture to the springs if you dare. But be warned, people take the curse very seriously. If you choose to visit, respect the area and respect the rules.


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Gallery Credit: Megan

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Gallery Credit: Megan

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