Could NH Toys R Us Stores Be Closing?
The wonderful toy store Toys R Us has fallen on hard times. They have already announced that they will be closing 182 stores in the States, and today word comes they might be closing another 200 stores, according to Business Insider.
Their Granite State locations include Newington, Salem and Concord. There is no word on what stores the chain will be closing.
All I know is that when I was a kid, the first time I ever visited a Toys R Us store (in Fairfax, VA) I'm sure I heard harps playing. I remember it as though it was yesterday!
It was a heavenly site! Toy's and board games stacked on shelves as high as the eye could see!
My parents immediately grasped the situation, and our visits were relegated to but 2 to 3 a year.
I've been many times since as an adult, but the feeling has never been the same since that first visit.
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