Dover, NH Community Comes Together To Leave Rocks of Love at CVS
It all started with a little rock outside of the CVS on Central Ave. in Dover. It caught my attention because that's my CVS I go to all the time.
The rock said "Stay Positive" and struck a chord with Ian Thomas. He posted on Facebook, in a group we're both a part of called "The (un) Official City of Dover, NH". Thomas works at CVS and coming in everyday, wearing a mask, and risking Covid-19 infection can be tough. So that one little rock really brightened his day.
So, that's why Thomas was so disappointed when the rock disapperared. He made a birthday request that someone replace the rock. Despite his initial reaction to find out who took the rock and confront them, he decided to turn his birthday into a positve experiment!
Once he made the request the outpouring he received was incredible. Those little rocks of love had made a difference with a lot of other people and they stepped up to the challenge. Erika Kernander of Dover dropped off her rock, Deb Delfino Hannah stepped up, along with other residents of Dover, including Tammie Grassie, Kristen Swartzendruber, Bridget Smith, Carina Self, Barbara Campagna Graziano and so many more!
CVS employee Sarah Watkins said:
"Thank you everyone for all the kind rocks...our staff was so overjoyed to see such community care for Ian and our staff...thank you.. words can't define how truly touched the staff is at your local CVS. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."
I talked to Ian earlier today. He said it was such a nice surprise that so many people volunteered and he couldn't believe it. He added " I think people are looking for ways to do nice things."
Here's the little rock of love that got everything rolling!
And the love keeps on coming!
Sarah Watkins added on the Facebook post:
" As someone who works with Ian he is the sunshine of our incredibly kind,and amazing to all our customers. This gesture warms my heart during such a dark time in our country. Our staff will genuinely be delighted by such kindness of the community we so kindly serve."
Thank you Ian Thomas! Just one of the many reasons i love living in Dover, NH!
Keep checking back for new pictures. I plan to add some here as the rock collection just keeps growing!