Each New England State and Their Favorite Christmas Candy. What’s Your Favorite?
What is your Favorite Christmas Candy
Did you know that nearly 93 percent of people give the gift of chocolate to at least one person every Christmas according to candystore.com? Who would know better than the world's largest candy online candy store? As they add up their statistics for the year you might be surprised at what the state you live in has for a favorite candy.
Candy Sales were Way Up for Halloween
Candy sales for Halloween were up 48 percent according to candystore.com. I suppose more trick-or-treaters were out since pandemic restrictions have been eased in most states. Inflation and supply chain issues may keep you from buying the big gifts this season, but candy is always appreciated, at least by me! I wonder how many elves are assigned to candy making at the North Pole or do you think that Mrs. Claus does all the cooking?
State by State Break Down
Candystore.com keeps track of the most popular candy by state. Connecticut likes Starburst, Massachusetts and New Hampshire can’t do Christmas without their candy canes. Rhode Island has jumped on the Peppermint bark bandwagon. Peppermint bark has increased in popularity while Reese’s Peanut Butter cups are on the decline. Maine loves their chocolate Santas. I must admit, chocolate is always a good gift for me. You can never go wrong with chocolate. Whatever candy you choose, don’t overindulge this year. Too much candy will make you sick. I know the dentists in Connecticut will love all the new patients from those Starburst candies ripping out your fillings! Happy Christmas!
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