Every Public Pool Should Have This Feature
As the father of a couple teenagers, I love it when I see kids putting down their cell phones and being active. Especially when it benefits other kids.
There's a 16-year-old girl in St. Louis who heard about a program that's been providing dispensers with free sunblock at public pools in Boston for the past two years. She wanted to see if she could make it happen in her community too. And being the smart kid she is, she knew you're more likely to slather it on if it's free and easy. And you're more likely to reapply it too.
So she started raising money. Then she wrote more than 40 letters to dermatologists and other people in the area, and ended up with about $1,600. According to one report, that was enough to install dispensers at five different public pools, and pay for the sunscreen people will use this summer.