Here’s An Easy Way To Get A $25 Giftcard To Target If You Live in NH
Have you ever gone into a Target and left with JUST the thing you went there for? I'll answer that question for you. No, no you have not. Because it's impossible! Somehow a candle, bathing suit, new pair of undies and a fake plant make into your cart when you just went in there for toothpaste. It's amazing!
According to the Penny Hoarder, residents of New Hampshire can get a $25 gift card to Target and it takes only 2 minutes! A company called Arcadia Power wants to help New Hampshire residents use clean energy and save money on their electric bills.
If you activate your free Arcadia Power account, they will send you a free $25 eGiftCard! And maybe it's easier to not overspend at Target if you shop online...hey it's worth a shot :)