Iconic Brand of Beer Becoming a Craft Brew
While I was recently on vacation I went into a "package store" with my son to buy some beer. I know the craft brewing business of suds is at an all-time high but all the choices in this store boggled my mind.
My boy knows his brew and picked out a few that I have to admit were mighty tasty but I am old school and tend to go for the established brands. One of the old school brands Pabst Blue Ribbon is coming back but as a craft brew in the home of suds, Milwaukee. According to an article in USA TODAY Pabst at one time produced 15 million barrels of beer a year. Nowadays you can brew beer just about anywhere but Milwaukee was the dominant city for decades. In 1980 the city produced 40% of the 176 million barrels brewed in the United States.
It will be interesting to see what craft brew will come out of the familliar red, white and blue PBR can in the near future. The best part, the "city of suds" Milwaukee gets to reclaim one of their brands.
You can try some of the best craft brews that will be featured at AMERICA ON TAP returning to Verizon Wireless Arena on October 10th. Get your tickets now right here at WOKQ.com
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