Is Grocery Shopping Changed Forever? NH Shoppers Are Preparing for Second Pandemic Wave
Five years ago, I would not believe it if you told me I would have the option of having groceries delivered to my home. I thought that was just for the ultra-rich who had personal shoppers.
But with the pandemic, more and more shoppers are opting for home delivery and convenient curbside pick-up to avoid exposure to COVID-19.
According to WMUR 9 stores are reporting that “online sales are up”
A lot of the scramble for grocers early in the pandemic was getting their stores ready for social distance shopping and installing protective barriers. They had to make sure they had an adequate supply of PPE and placing signage all about the stores to remind shoppers to social distance and keep us going in the right direction in the aisles.
John Dumais, President of the New Hampshire Grocers Association, told the news station, “Don’t forget the paper products, that’s certainly something that may come back again. There’s always a shortage out there. In addition to that, we have a lot of the sanitizers are going to be in short supply, disinfectants, things for cleaning now that we are going to be doing to his for a longer period of time.”
According to WMUR 9, prices are up and demand is up, and curbside pick-up seems to be the wave of the future of shopping as more and more shoppers are postponing their trips in person to the grocery store.
I know my wife has been trying to menu plan for two weeks at a time to avoid going more frequently. I still have to go because she forgets things like pumpkin pie, cookies, and ice cream. We have lots of cans of beans, so I suppose we are prepared for the second wave. Let’s hope it is brief.