(Concord, NH) - When it comes to using vacation time, only 38 per cent of workers in Maine left vacation days on the table last year, the lowest among all states.  New Hampshire had the second highest rate, at 78 per cent.

Don Briand photo
Don Briand photo

I don't know about you, but I hate getting to the end of the year and knowing I won't be able to use all the vacation time I have built up.

The new report released by Project:Time Off shows that we in New Hampshire are second only to Idaho in the amount of vacation time we do not use.

Mainers, meanwhile, were the best at using their hard-eared time off.

Credit maine.gov
Credit maine.gov

The state has the slogan Vacationland on their license plates. Now we know why!

National, 662-million vacation days went unused in 2016. Of those, 206 million were use-them-or-lose-them days, meaning they were lost forever.

In dollars, that was $66-million in lost benefits!

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