Mainer Shares Inspiring Story After OOB Police Encounter
As someone who works in media, I know as well as anyone that scandal gets clicks. Conflict gets shares. Anger oftentimes drives more traffic than happiness. It's easy to share those stories. It's easy to see them flood your feeds and continue the divide. And that's not to say that those stories aren't valid. It's all to say that sometimes, the light gets hidden in everything else.
Which is why I love this story that caught my eye today of an encounter between a Maine man who was having a day and decided to put off an inconvenient task. Something we've ALL done at one time or another.
Driving in Old Orchard Beach, Marvin Jenkins was pulled over and wasn't entirely sure why. Officer Sellitto of the Old Orchard Beach Police Department informed him that he didn't have plates on his vehicle. Well, Jenkins had the plates. He just didn't have the screw inserts and was in a medical boot making the task daunting after getting the car registered.
What unfolded was true kindness by Officer Sellitto and an example of how the police/civilian relationship should be.
Thanks, Marvin for sharing your story (get well soon!) and to Officer Selitto for leading by example.