Maine’s Travis and Kelsey Mills Set Two Records on NBC’S ‘The Wall’
If you missed Tuesday night's episode of The Wall that featured Maine's Travis Mills and his wife Kelsey as contestants, stop right here if you don't want to read spoilers. Go and watch the episode right now on Peacock.
Now for everyone else who doesn't mind being spoiled, let's dive into what happened and the emotional roller coaster that Travis and Kelsey went on to set two all-time records for The Wall.
If you've never seen The Wall, imagine Plinko on The Price is Right except it's forty feet tall. Couples play the game together by answering questions correctly to win the amount of money in one of the slots that a ball released from the top of the board lands in. Over three rounds, the maximum values increase from $25,000 to $50,000 with the final round having a slot worth $1,000,000.
As you may know, Travis Mills is a retired United States Army soldier who became a quadruple amputee while serving in Afghanistan and later formed the Travis Mills Foundation where veterans injured in active duty and their families receive an all-inclusive, all-expenses-paid, vacation in Mt. Vernon, Maine. It was never said on the show, but we can assume that the Mills were there to win money for the Foundation.
The first round of The Wall is called "Free Fall," where the contestants have to answer a relatively easy trivia question with two possible answers. If they lock in an answer before three balls dropped from the top of the wall land at the bottom, and they get the correct answer, they win the total of the cash values the balls landed in.
They get five questions and as long as they don't give a wrong answer or do not lock in an answer before the balls hit the bottom, they add the cash amounts to their bank.
Travis and Kelsey set an all-time record for the largest Free Fall amount at $190,004. That money is then set as a guaranteed payout that will be offered to them at the end of the show.
For the remaining two rounds, Kelsey chose to go into isolation to answer more trivia questions without knowing how much Travis had banked during those rounds on The Wall.
At one point, Travis had amassed $900,004 but saw it all dwindle to zero with incorrect answers that dropped red balls that subtracted from cash winnings hitting a lot of big numbers.
For the final round, $20,000 each was added to their guaranteed offer for the three questions Kelsey answered correctly while in isolation, giving them a guaranteed offer of $250,004.
Kelsey must then choose to sign a contract for the guaranteed offer or rip it up in hopes that Travis made more than the guarantee. Kelsey signed and made the right choice, sending them home with a quarter of a million dollars, another record for the largest guaranteed offer won on the show.
Congratulations Travis and Kelsey!
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