Massachusetts, with its rich history and colonial roots, is home to some of the most haunted locations in the United States, and its roadways are no exception.

Although this month in particular is very active in Salem, Massachusetts, there are many other ghostly places and roads.

From the winding paths through dark forests to desolate highways, the state’s roads have been the sites of eerie encounters, ghostly apparitions, and unexplained phenomena.

Travelers passing through these haunted stretches often report a chill in the air and the unsettling feeling of being watched.

Some roads have become notorious for their paranormal activity, drawing curious adventurers seeking to experience the supernatural for themselves.

There are three roads in particular which are the subjects of many parables.

According to, the first two are north of Boston.

Essex Street, Salem

On Essex Street, in infamous Salem, Massachusetts, is the former home of Judge Jonathan Corwin, who presided over the infamous Salem Witch Trials.

Now called “The Witch House,” it’s the only remaining historic building with direct ties to the 1692 trials.

"The house is believed to be an evil place that attracts the ghosts of accused witches who gather on Essex Street to place curses on the descendants of Salem", says

Dudley Road, Bedford

In the 1800s, a distant altar server of the Salem witches disguised herself as an assistant for the local nuns.  She made big inroads with the nuns, leading them in rituals of the occult, unbeknownst to them.

"The witch and her coven fled into a field near present-day Dudley Road, where they were captured and executed. Drivers today say you can still hear their whispered hexes if you drive slowly with the windows cracked," according to RV Trader.

The third scary road is actually the most famous, just south west of Boston.

 Route 44, Rehoboth

This road is often cited as the most haunted road in the country.   It's a rural road often filled with sightings of a tall red-headed hitchhiker in a plaid flannel shirt and work boots.

The spirit is called the Red-Headed Hitchhiker, and according to, once a car pulls over to pick up the man, he disappears.  Those who stop to help the man, often experience strange phenomenons with their car radio, including eerie voices coming out of the speakers.

The legend continues and has been passed down for decades, with many driving route 44 to find the tall ghostly image, who supposedly died on that road many years ago.

The story goes on to say hitchhiking isn't the only way to see him.

Drivers have reported seeing "him appear in the rearview mirror sitting in the backseat of the car, while another saw him pressed against the car window as he drove. Almost all the stories, however, end the same way: The ghost suddenly disappears, while his loud, maniacal laughter is left lingering in the air," according to AAA.

What do you think?  There's only one way to find out.  Drive.

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