Meet Bat Puppy Benny, a Rescue, Now With the New Hampshire Fisher Cats
TOO CUTE! I cannot wait to watch Bat Puppy Benny run out onto the field, pick up a bat, and run back to the dugout.
Benny is the four-legged fluffy best friend for all of us baseball fans, as the New Hampshire Fisher Cats officially welcome him. Check out this video of the announcement after we got to vote between the names Benny, Casey, and Tucker. I personally voted for Benny.
I mean, come on. America's pastime AND a rescued Golden Retriever retrieving baseball bats? I'm in.
Communications Director Tyler Murray says that this latest addition to the 2022 team roster is adopted from an incredible organization.
Our bat dog in-training is a rescue from Hero Pups, a New Hampshire-based volunteer organization that provides support dogs to veterans and first responders in New England.
Let's be honest, our new bat dog is everything right now since the loss of our beloved New Hampshire Fisher Cats bat dog, Ollie, in January of 2021. Ollie served as the Fisher Cats bat dog from 2008 to 2016, then made various appearances until his passing.
You may recall that he passed away peacefully surrounded by so much love and many tributes during the 2021 season. Here's a link to his memory from the Fisher Cats website. Yes, grab the tissues for a moment because if you're like me, you're tearing up a bit right now.
Ollie is missed daily, so Fisher Cats President Mike Ramshaw says he's excited to have Benny continue what Ollie created.
We're proud to continue the legacy of Ollie the Bat Dog, who provided us so many wonderful memories over the years; he'll always be an important part of the Fisher Cats family.
The Fisher Cats is the double-A affiliate of the Toronto Blue Jays in Manchester, New Hampshire, in case you're not familiar. Benny is in training this season and will make his first adorable appearance in May.
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