One small Granite State town recently lost $17,000 in a set of transactions.

According to Seacoast Online, New Hampshire communities are losing tons of money because the state of Maine allows non-government agents to register fleets of trucks from the Granite State for less money.

The article exposes a loophole: "New Hampshire residents are required, after living in the state for 30 days, to register their vehicles in New Hampshire. But in Maine, freelance agents are lawfully allowed to register out-of-state vehicles in that state." This is according to Portsmouth Revenue Administrator/Tax Collector Becky Benvenuti.

Seacoast's article went on to say the practice was discovered a few years ago when the owner of a small fleet of Portsmouth-based trucks told Benvenuti he was going to register them through an independent agent in Maine. After checking the internet, she discovered Maine agents legally soliciting registrations for New Hampshire truck fleets.

Portsmouth City Council’s Legislative Subcommittee when Councilor Chris Dwyer said, “The amount of money going to Maine is huge.” Currently, the fine is $100. The days of this practice, with such a small penalty might be in the past. Seacoast's article said municipal leaders across New Hampshire are drafting a bill to increase the penalty for registering New Hampshire-based trucks in Maine.


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