"You should have no problem with a man's inclination to stare at it and grab it."

Amanda Bouldin Facebook
Amanda Bouldin Facebook

It seems like certain lawmakers in New Hampshire need to take a cold shower after a heated Facebook debate over nipple exposure in public.

State representative Amanda Bouldin (D) spoke out against a proposed bill on Tuesday that would prevent woman from going topless in the state. Currently, both men and women are legally allowed to go topless in public.

The law does not apply to breastfeeding a baby in public. The bill, sponsored by a group Republicans, adds the following line to the law regarding indecent exposure and lewdness:

Such person purposely exposes his or her anus or, if a woman, purposely exposes the areola or nipple of her breast or breasts in a public place and in the presence of another person with reckless disregard for whether a reasonable person would be offended or alarmed by such act.

Amanda took issue with the bill and the fact that all of the supporters were Republican, who should support less government regulation, and they just happen to be men. Of course, her fellow male lawmakers had some incredibly appropriate responses to her Facebook post, some of which have been saved before they were deleted.

Courtesy of Amanda Bouldin
Courtesy of Amanda Bouldin

State representative Josh Moore (R) has some interesting ideas of what is appropriate do in public. Showing your nipples in public is apparently a surefire invitation to being groped by some political creep. Maybe he should have just stuck to his favorite hobby of beatboxing instead of commenting this time around.

Representative Al Baldasaro (R) also shared some kind words regarding Amanda's nipples that added some maturity to the conversation.

Courtesy of Amanda Bouldin
Courtesy of Amanda Bouldin

Political debate at its finest. I am so proud to be in a state with an overabundance of state representatives who are either crazy (see above) or straight up disrespectful (also see above.)

The rest of the comments are either in support of her opinion, totally against it or some sort of sexually-suggestive joke. I don't care what party you are from or side of the nipple issue you fall on; attacking somebody else's appearance or insinuating that woman should be assaulted is not okay.

I spoke with Amanda over the phone on Thursday about the comments and her stance on bills targeted at women.

The 31-year-old Manchester native said that she is against the proposed changes because they target one class of people over another and represents government overreach. Bouldin said that the bill is “unconstitutional” and “anti-liberty.”

“Some people in this world and either unwilling or unable the change they want to see, so they resort to making a law. Some things need to be a law, like the fact that you shouldn't kill somebody, but laws that dictate social behavior like this are wrong. You should never legislate culture.”

Her stance against the bill not only invited some creepy comments from fellow legislators, but also brought in criticism that she just wants to be nude in public. That idea is far from the truth.

“I have no desire to remove my clothes. I love clothes and I have too many of them. It is too cold outside right now.”

She just wants to ensure that other citizens have the right to liberty and freedom from being excluded due to their gender. This has lead some to accuse her of being a “feminazi,” but she emphasizes that she is just fighting for the rights of all citizens.

Of course, she now realizes that some of the negative reaction to her Facebook post may have something to do with her gender.

“I kind of wonder if my arguments against the bill would have been taken more seriously if it was from a man,” she said.

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