I used to, and by used to I mean a few hours ago, think it was cruel and unusual to put your pets in costumes. I always look deep into their eyes when they are dressed up and I feel like if they could talk they would say, "WOOF! GET ME OUT OF THIS RIDICULOUS THING! WOOF!" However, our amazing listeners once again imparted their wisdom on me and I am forever changed. Some pets honestly don't mind dressing up and some pets actually like it!

I mean, think about it. Who doesn't want a whole bunch of attention and to have people take pictures of you and be told how adorable you are are all day? That sounds like a good time to me! That's what happens when you put a pet in a costume. People can't handle the cuteness. Plus, I give pet owners the benefit of the doubt. If their pet TRULY despised being dressed up, they would be able to sense that and they wouldn't put them through the misery.

Okay, I'm glad we had that talk. Now we can enjoy these precious pics GUILT FREE! Behold, the furry fashionistas of the Granite State:

Arrow, Nottingham NH

arrow from nottingham

Olive, Rochester NH

olive rochester

Koji, (originally from Alaska) now in Salem, NH

koji salem

Stella, Farmington NH

stella farmington

Tehya, Mason NH

Tehya Mason NH



Linus & Ryder, Rochester NH


Blue, the token cat

blue the cat

How can you not smile while looking at these?! I mean, COME ON! This is the positivity we need in our lives right now! Do you have an awesome pic of your pet all dressed up? Don't hold back now! Post it in the comments section. :)


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