Rochester Farmers Market Moving Locations in September
If you depend on the Rochester Farmers Market for fresh fruits and vegetables, just a heads up that they are moving locations from the Rochester Community Center to the ball fields at Rochester Common in September, according to reporting by Fosters.com.
The move is necessary because the kids are going back to school and will need their parking lot.
The hours will stay the same, Tuesday 3 to 6 pm through the month of September, the article stated.
The Farmers Market manager, Vicky Poland, tells fosters.com, “The market will continue to operate with the same COVID-19 safety guidelines in place. We will rope everything off with one entry and exit. Based on the governor’s order issued recently, masks will be mandatory in the market.”
Some more good news, the market will be hosting the Vouchers for Veterans program in September, according to Fosters, and the market accepts EBT and has ‘Market Match’ vouchers. The Market Match vouchers will double your SNAP dollars on vegetables and fruits thanks to supporting from Gather. It’s a great way to be farm-fresh foods.
The Rochester Farmers Market is a great way the community can come together and help each other. Local farmers get to sell their super fresh produce and local residents get to benefit from fresh fruits and vegetables. And if you are looking to find a way to get a barging and participate in the SNAP program, it’s a win/win for everyone.
What’s better than fresh fruit and veggies and supporting local farmers? Free reusable shopping bags that are available thanks to generous sponsorship from Holy Rosary Credit Union. Stop by on Tuesday and get some greens!