We all know driving while impaired is illegal, but sometimes we do it anyways, and that is not okay.

It's not just illegal, it can be lethal to you and other motorists, which is why the Massachusetts State Police are telling you ahead of time where their next sobriety checkpoint will be.

Why Tell Us?

The State Police sends out messages on social media to warn drivers when and generally where there will be a checkpoint.

They don't always say exactly where.  The most recent notice was sent out as a sobriety checkpoint in Worcester County, Massachusetts on Saturday, January 18 into Sunday,  January 19.

Worcester County is a large area, so be prepared if you are driving next weekend in that area.

Who Pays For These Checkpoints?

These checkpoints are paid for by a grant from the Office of Grants and Research of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security.

The Massachusetts State Police are striving to keep drivers off the road who are operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, but also to make other drivers aware of any impaired drivers around them.


The checkpoint will be in varying hours, and not arbitrary, which means they are looking for drivers obviously under the influence.   The idea of letting motorists know in advance should help with any fear or anxiety about what's going on during the stops.

Read More: Maine Worse for Drunk Driving

So if you are driving in Worcester County on these dates, be aware, because now you know what's going on.

Thank you to the Massachusetts State Police for keeping our roads safe.

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