Speed On ‘Manchester Motor Speedway’ To Be Curbed By Cycling Lane
It's a stretch of highway where city leaders are attempting to reduce speeds. The "traffic calming' plan includes a bicycle lane where over 300 hundred accidents have happened since 2016.
According to the Union Leader, the area around Manchester's Maple and Beech streets needs to be addressed. The Union leader stated 337 accidents were reported withing 3 years, covering 12 intersections along the Maple, Beech, and Union street corridors between Webster and Bridge streets in Manchester.
It's known as 'Manchester Motor Speedway.'
Manchester officials have approved a temporary pilot program for later this month. According to the Union Leader, part of Maple Street will be temporarily reduced to one travel lane, with accompanying bike lane designed to 'calm traffic.' This is before paving for the area is set for next month.
The bike lane might be temporary.
Kristen Clarke told the Union Leader “We had a lot of discussions about different configurations for Maple Street. We want to see if narrowing to one lane with a bike lane on Maple Street reduces speeds. We have the opportunity next month to try striping with one lane before the paving is done to see what we may want to put back before paving.”
A neighborhood meeting will be held this Thursday to discuss this and other issues.
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