Add these to your Maine bucket list!
One of the great things about the State of Maine, is that we get four, full seasons of weather here, which of course means that there are four times the amount of selfie opportunities.
From one end of the state, to the other, there are a ton of iconic, fun landmarks, to make your Instagram, or Facebook page rock...
The comcept of a bar that only allows you in if you're 30 or older derives from a restaurant in Minnesota. It's funny how once you enter your 30's, suddenly your entire mindset changes about what going out looks like.
I bet you already have an idea in your mind on which spot this might be, because I know I did. It's also one of my favorites, so I'm glad it's getting the recognition it deserves.
Here's a hint: everybody (in Portland at least), knows exactly what restaurant you're talking about when you see these legendary lights.