Hampton Beach Dealing With Damage Done by Strong Wind GustsHampton Beach Dealing With Damage Done by Strong Wind GustsThe strong wind gusts that screamed through our area on Monday afternoon caused some damage along Hampton Beach.Karen KileyKaren Kiley
First Nor'easter of the Season is Coming Right at Us this WeekendFirst Nor'easter of the Season is Coming Right at Us this WeekendIf you're like many of us, the first word that pops into your mind when you hear nor'easter is...SNOW! But, the storm coming this weekend, even though it will be a nor'easter will bring potentially 1 or 2 inches of rain.Karen KileyKaren Kiley
This House in Warren NH Was Completely Destroyed By Rushing FloodwatersThis House in Warren NH Was Completely Destroyed By Rushing FloodwatersMy heart is breaking for the owners of this home.KiraKira