Tale of Hampton Recycling Bin Washed Up on Ireland Beach
This is wild!
Vincent Hyland from Wild Derrynane, Ireland posted this pic on the Hampton Beach - "official" Facebook page. This was found on the beach in Wild Derrynane, Ireland! WOW! It looks like part of a recycling bin from Hampton, so I'll refer to it as "bin" here.
I looked up exactly where Wild Derrynane in Ireland is and this poor bin had to navigate some rough waters! It got past Nova Scotia, which was no easy task, then it had to recover from a whale attack, in my tall tale. Apparently, the whale thought it was a tasty treat, but then coughed and the bin continued onward.
At one point, when the bin had a clear line to the Emerald Isle, it was attacked by a bunch of jellyfish! "Bin" didn't know how it was going to escape! Jellyfish look beautiful, but those things bite. Their beauty is mesmerizing and it was hard for the Bin to leave, but the jellyfish released bin and onward it went.
When it landed on the shores of Wild Derrynane, it felt like home and met a wonderful Irishman named..... Vinny. Vinny took a picture of the bin and sent it back home, via social media and the rest is history.
See a replica of the exact route that Bin took on it's way to Ireland here
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