The Weekend Before St. Patrick’s Day, What’s Going On?
Has March come in like a lion or a lamb, I'm not quite sure. We've had a taste of warmth and sun but this weekend may feel like winter again. In any case, here are some ideas for things to do.
1. On Friday, The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive at St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Dover from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Snacks will be provided to those who donate.
2. You can start to get your green on at the Irish Coffeehouse at the Congregational Church in Exeter as they host a concert featuring the New England Irish Harp Orchestra and a local Celtic band called "Reaganta". The show begins at 7:30 pm.
3. The Dover Race Series kicks off its season with the "Run Before You Crawl" 5k race and pub crawl starting at the Dover Transportation Center on Chestnut St. at 8 am.
4. Experience maple sugaring in New Hampshire on a working farm at the Charmingfare Farm in Candia during the "Maple Express". There will be a sugar shack tour, taste testing and more.
5. The Garrison Players present the female version of "The Odd Couple" all weekend long in the GP Community Arts Center on Portland Ave. in Rollinsford.
No matter what you're doing, we'll be here playing New Country on 97.5 WOKQ!
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