Wayward Cat Found in Taunton, After Missing for 9 Months
Hope. In the midst of these troubling times, I have taken great comfort from my pets.
I am pleased to see that Tanya Silva’s cat Nitro has been returned to her, according to tauntongazette.com.
Tanya and Nitro had a special bond. The Taunton resident had a cat that passed away years ago and when her daughter’s cat had kittens, Nitro just loved her, according to the article.
She was not really thinking about getting another cat, but their bond was strong.
Nitro was a cool cat with a friendly personality and felt right at home with the family’s dogs, and it was so much so that he would often act like a dog and even took to riding on the backs of some of the dogs, according to tauntongazette.com.
When the family was moving, Nitro slipped out, and initially, the family thought he would make his way back quickly.
After 9 months, she had nearly given up hope. Spotting after repeated spotting would get their hopes up only to be brought down by despair. But luck and some kindness intervened.
A woman whose daughter is a cat trapper had found Nitro, according to the article, and after hanging out with the woman for a few months, she decided to take Nitro into the local vet for care.
That’s when the vet in Weare, New Hampshire, scanned Nitro and discovered the microchip, according to the article.
The vet reached out and Silva was overjoyed, but a little hesitant. She spoke to the woman that had been caring for Nitro for months and offered to let the woman keep Nitro, in case he was happy there, but the woman said she could have Nitro back.
What generosity of heart on the part of both women, such an act of kindness should inspire us all.
Tanya Silva tells tauntongazette.com, “Between having a new little baby and finding my cat, especially with the whole pandemic and everything negative that is going on, to have a little ray of sunshine come in like this – it’s so wonderful. Just another reminder of how important it is to microchip our pets.