Wolfeboro, NH, Pub Is Using Innovative Ideas to Make It Through the Pandemic
One thing I have learned about restaurant owners is that they all have a passion for the business. You won’t succeed without having that passion because there will be good times and bad.
Eddie Michno seems to embody that passion as the owner and operator of the Burnt Timber Brewing & Tavern in Wolfeboro, NH.
It’s not news that many restaurants and pubs have struggled through the pandemic, but there are a few stories of those that are hanging on that are admirable. When Eddie Michno first started his pub back in 2017, he did it all from making the food to brewing to waiting on customers and more, according to reporting from concordmonitor.com.
His business grew and he took on a few employees, but then the pandemic hit them hard.
Michno has reorganized the business by training wait staff employees to help in food prep and was able to stay open 5 days a week keeping a fewer number of staff as some left for other jobs, the newspaper reported.
When the pandemic first hit and stay-at-home orders were put in place, Burnt Timber Brewing & Tavern moved exclusively to take out, according to the report.
In retrospect, Michno wishes he would have just shut down because he tells concordmonitor.com, “We lost money as a business.”
The summer weather and outdoor dining gave some life back to the Tavern, but as colder temperatures approached, the challenges begin anew.
Having kids of his own, he knew families get tired of pizza all the time. He began offering take-and-bake meals to go which are unique to the Burnt Timber Brewing & Tavern’s brand, according to the concordmonitor. He has a family taco kit that feeds four that comes with brisket or pulled pork, kimchi, and pickles fermented by Michno.
Still, the going is hard and Michno said to the Monitor: “You’re breaking even on stuff you’re doing, so employees can get through, right now we’re just trying to stay afloat until the bubble breaks and more people are comfortable going out.”
Summer is coming and I hope they hold on because it sounds like just the place I want to visit. I have not been out to Wolfeboro yet and it's on my list.
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