Worried About Ticks? Southern Maine Is the Perfect Breeding Ground for Those Nasty Critters
Bugs just, well, BUG ME!
Southern Maine, in particular, Mount Agamenticus, is “tick central,” according to seacoastonline.com.
The nasty little critters can carry numerous diseases such as the well-known Lyme disease and others that you may or may not have heard of such as anaplasmosis and babesiosis, the news source stated. And there has been an increase in anaplasmosis and babesiosis in recent years.
Now is a fantastic time of year to get out and enjoy the great outdoors but keep your eye out for ticks. Pine trees further north do not produce the leaf litter that the trees in southern Maine do, according to seacoastonline.com, and the combination of leaf litter and warmer temperatures make southern Maine a perfect breeding ground for ticks.
Dogs, being lower to the ground than humans, are notorious tick collectors. Make sure you check your dogs before bringing them inside.
Insecticide, long sleeve shirts and long sleeve pants can help, too, and ticks often fall from trees, so protecting your head with a hat is also a good idea.
Another great idea the article includes is throwing your clothes in the dryer on high heat to kill any ticks that you may have overlooked.
So enjoy the outdoors but stay safe from ticks.