A ‘Master Chef’ Audition Finalist is Behind Epping, New Hampshire’s Mouthwatering New Restaurant
The 101 Grille opened in Epping almost 2 weeks ago
After weeks and weeks of teasing, Epping's newest restaurant edition, The 101 Grille, opened just under 2 weeks ago back on November 19. And in its 11 days of existence, The 101 Grille has already racked up a massive fan base, according to posts on Facebook. More on that in a few, though.
One of the owners made it to the final round of auditions on 'Master Chef'
According to the quickie bio provided on The 101 Grille Facebook page, the restaurant is co-owned by the husband and wife team of Tim and Becca Moniz. While Tim is a lifelong resident of Danvers, Mass, his wife Becca is actually a southern belle from Fairfax, Virginia, and they truly do make a phenomenal team.
Becca has a music teacher-turned-entrepreneur who will legitimately sing karaoke with you upon request, while Tim has been in and around restaurants since the age of 14, and actually made it to the final round of auditions for Season 10 of Master Chef! Clearly, their combination of business and food savvy has culminated in an-already favorited place to grab a bite and/or a drink.
The 101 Grille offers vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free options
While some restaurants will toss the ole "GF" in front of a salad that is just lettuce, tomato, and cucumber so therefore gluten free, The 101 Grille actually takes things a step further with a dedicated gluten free fryer. When a restaurant is going that in depth, you know that you're entering an establishment that offers more than just rabbit food for vegan and gluten free options.
Check out the wide array of options on the cocktail, lunch, dinner, and dessert menus at The 101 Grille by clicking here. Currently, The 101 Grille, which is located inside the Seacoast United Sports Complex on Shirkin Road in Epping, is open Monday through Wednesday, and Friday from 4p-10:30p, and Saturday from 11:30a-10:30p; however, they're hoping to expand their hours down the road, which is always a win for customers.