Burger King and McDonalds May Team Up to Make the McWhopper
A combination Whopper and Big Mac sandwich may become a reality and it would be for a great cause.
Burger King took out full page ads in The New York Times and Chicago Tribune, reports Time, proposing the sandwich as a way to raise money for the non-profit anti-confict organization Peace One Day. They also shared their proposal with a YouTube video.
While the initial proposal was for this to be only at a single location in Atlanta in late September, McDonald's is hinting they may be on board for something bigger. Or maybe they are politely declining and hoping the whole thing blows over, because internet attention spans are notoriously sho-- look, there's a cat on a hamburger! In SPACE! LULZ! That is sooo cute!
Oh, as I was saying, McDonald's kind provided this reply to the BK proposal. It leaves the door open for something but the view here is that it doesn't seem to bode well for the McWhopper specifically. Perhaps a Ronald Donald and Creepy King UFC match could raise some money?
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