Christmas Light Tour Held for Seniors by Manchester Police
It’s a feel-good story for Christmas!
Manchester police have an annual tour of local Christmas lights for seniors that might not otherwise get to enjoy some of the beautiful displays set up around Manchester, according to WMUR.
Police helped 150 senior citizens see the incredible light displays around town making stops in Bedford and Manchester.
The big event of the evening was the unveiling of the new trolley, the news station reported, and all were treated afterward to some carol singing and holiday goodies at the Manchester Police Athletic League.
There was even a surprise guest, Santa himself showed up to spread the holiday cheer.
Elain Murphy, one of the seniors treated to the tour, told WMUR, “They were just beautiful, just all over. They were wonderful.”
We depend on our police to protect us and they see so much sadness over the course of the year. I love that they got to get out and have some fun helping seniors enjoy the holiday.
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