Missing out on a graduation ceremony is one of the many disappointments going on right now due to Covid-19.  Dover High School students just found out they would be having a "virtual" graduation and according to Fosters.com, a lot of them are NOT happy about it.

I get it.  It's a long 12 years.  As a freshman, I remember watching the excitement of the seniors getting ready to graduate and couldn't wait for that same feeling.  When I finally graduated (yes, many years ago!) it was just as good as I expected.

There's not much we can do about the actual graduation ceremony, but one Dover mom decided there WAS something she could do to make her daughter and all the other seniors at Dover High School feel special.

Diane McCombie started an "Adopt a DHS Senior" Facebook page to make sure that seniors, including her daughter Megan, felt special this year.  McCombie says her daughter was struggling and knew other seniors probably were too.  She came across a site that was a national "adopt a senior" campaign, but it had over 58,000 people already signed up for it.

Other parents had commented that they wished we had something like this in our area, McCombie said.  So she decided to create a group right here in Dover.  It started on her Facebook page and grew from there.  Right now, there are about 40 seniors on the page with two still waiting to be "adopted"!  McCombie said her goal is to have all 330 Dover High School seniors take part.

So, how does it work?  It's easy.  You can go to the Facebook page and pick a senior.  Once you find a match, it's up to you!  You can send flowers, balloons, maybe make up a gift basket or gift card.  McCombie says it doesn't need to cost a lot of money.  The goal is to make your senior feel special and supported during this time. She adds "We are all in this together and "WE ARE DOVER"!

I absolutely love this idea. Let's get those last two seniors "adopted" today!  Thanks so much to Diane McCombie for getting the ball rolling, and for all the people that have jumped on board to put a smile on a Dover High School senior's face!


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