Eleanor the Hairy Hiking Pig is Training for the New Hampshire 48
First we had a hiking feline (aka Floki Cat), then we had that dude who completed all 48 4,000 footers with a log named Larry, now we have hiking pigs! Just when I thought I had seen it all!
Anna Sólveig Sicari posted to the Hike the 4,000 Footers of NH Facebook page to share a little cuteness. The pic was with her cheeky hiking companion and it was captioned "that summit feeling".
Meet Eleanor, the hairy hiking pig!
It turns out this photo was taken atop Hook mountain in Nyack, New York. Eleanor is a therapy pig at a boarding school for teenagers. The school is called the Summit School and through their Pets for Purpose program the students are able to hike with goats, dogs, and pigs like Miss Eleanor!
Look at all of these cute animals hiking
Can you handle the cuteness? Because I can't!
I got to chatting with Anna on Facebook and she shared with me that she is making her way through the New Hampshire 48. At the time of writing this she is at 33! But wait, there's more! She has hiked 100 out of the 115 4,000 footers in New England! YOU GO GIRL! She would love nothing more than to bring Eleanor on her final peak. It might just have to happen via backpack just like our friend Floki cat.
Thanks for sharing this cuteness with us, Anna! Good luck completing the NE115!