Heartbreaking News at Manchester Hospital Leads To Comfort
Let's face it, one of the most awful things about Coronavirus is people not being able to say goodbye to loved ones. I used to live in Louisville before moving back to New England and one of my friends played in a band there. His dad used to come out to every show. Just a few short months ago, he was a healthy 59 year old known as "JerrBear".
Well, "JerrBear" came down with what his son thought was just a cold. It turns out it was Coronavirus and Jerry lost his battle after just a few short weeks. Jake, his son, said one of the toughest parts was not really being able to say goodbye. He was allowed to put on full protective gear and hold Jerry's hand as he passed on, but other than that was not allowed in the hospital room.
Another family understands that pain all too well. Rene Johnson had been in a nursing home when he contracted Coronavirus. He was quickly moved to Catholic Medical Center in Manchester, NH.
CNN reports that Johnson's family tried to keep his spirits up by making signs to hold up outside his hospital window. Staff moved Johnson to a room with a view of the park, where the family stood with spray painted sheets and signs. The family tells CNN that the signs were not only for their dad, but for the hospital staff working tirelessly to take care of him.
Johnson's daughter, Angela DeNault, tells CNN that the nurses and doctors would respond through the window, making heart signs and waving. One nurse even came out to the park to sit with the family a few times a week.
Tragically, Johnson did not pull through. Staff called the family, according to CNN, and then placed signs on the window saying "He's at peace. We're so sorry."
Denault tells CNN that the thoughtfulness of the staff was able to bring them some comfort during such a tragic time and they decided to start a Go Fund Me to give back to the staff who helped their dad. They plan to make care packages for the nurses and doctors, who Denault says, they consider part of their family now.
Here are some tips for self-care during the pandemic:
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