HOLY GUACOMOLE! We Found The Perfect Cinco De Mayo Breakfast Dish For You and it is Available at Cafe Espresso in Dover
Cafe Espresso in downtown Dover was our fourth stop on our Five Cities in Five Days tour. The owner Dave truly went above and beyond delivering everything our bellies could have ever wanted and some things they didn't even know they wanted.
For my main event, I ordered the HolyGuacomole Eggs Benedicts and it changed the woman I am today. Two perfectly poached eggs sat atop two toasted English muffs. You can have your choice of salsa or hollandaise and because I wanted to make the dish as Mexican as possible, I went with the salsa. And the whole situation is SWIMMING in delicious homemade guacamole. Be still my beating heart...
My only problem was I ordered it a day early because it is the perfect Cinco De Mayo breakfast dish. So do the right thing and head to Cafe Espresso in Dover to kick off your Cinco De Mayo festivities right. Tell them Kira and Bill from The Big Breakfast sent you, mi amigo.