New Data Suggests This New England City is the Laziest in the US
We are all hard-working people that get up in the morning, go to work, rinse and repeat. Well, most of us are, as America continues to rank high among the hardest-working countries in the world.
So what exactly was the formula used here to decide who are the hardest workers vs. the biggest slackers? Well, WalletHub went to work once again, and used a specific formula to come up with the data for their recent project. They took data such as employment rates, average weekly hours, second and/or multiple jobs and dove even deeper by gathering data using volunteer hours, unused vacation time, and average daily time to commute to and from work.
Before I reveal the results, to be fair, we're not calling this place lazy by any means. This data just suggests that they rank lowER (or lowEST, I should probably say) compared to the other major 115 major cities that they retrieved the data from.
Burlington, Vermont is the "laziest" city in the nation.
The data also suggests that the hardest-working city in our nation is Washington DC, which is pretty ironic as the ongoing joke of Congress not getting anything done continues.
Here is the complete list of the hardest-working cities in America, according to WalletHub.
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