More Great White Shark Sightings Closes Cape Cod Beaches
Hold on to your boogie boards and stay on the sand.
According to wdhd.com, they say a Cape Cod beach was closed for the fourth time in two days due to the confirmed sighting of a Great White Shark!
I Went for a swim in North Hampton Beach in New Hampshire on Saturday, and all I could think off was "Sharks." I took a dip and got the heck out!
Atlantic White Shark Conservancy has tagged numerous sharks over the years to study the lives and habits of these magnificent predators. Sightings occurring on Saturday were at Head of the Meadow Beach in Truro, also at Coast Guard Beach, Nauset Beach in Orleans.
That’s too many sightings for me to go swimming, and it alerted authorities to close down the beaches for a short time. Follow the news to be aware of future sightings.
Seems the sharks really like New England beaches so make sure you take precautions to stay safe out there.
I don’t think they are showing up for our famous Lobster Rolls!
The fact that people are still swimming in places where sharks have been spotted is mind-blowing!