More Ways to Help Feed the Hungry in Dover
During this time, food banks need our help more than any other. did a nice story on the First Parish Church in Dover, NH that is helping the hungry. They have set up collection bins in the parking lot of the church located at 218 Central Avenue in Dover where you can drop off non-perishable food items. The bins are open for drop off 24 hours a day. Every day the church volunteers rotate the bins. They quarantine the food in the sealed bins for 3 to five days per the CDC guidelines and then the food is donated.
The Rev. Paige Besse-Rankin said, “The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) is saying two to three days … viruses can live on surfaces.” The Community Action Partnership was out of space to quarantine food donations, so the extra bins are very helpful. Community Action Partnership is serving “30 to 40 people a day at our Dover location and 20 on the days we are in Farmington,” says Betsey Andrews Parker, CAP’s CEO per
Now it is more critical than ever to support local food banks and those offering food services to the most vulnerable of our community. There are many seniors and immunosuppressed that either lack transportation to go to the store to get food or lack the financial resources to obtain it. We also need to remember our homeless population. Now, more than ever, we need to pull together to help.